
일상 2010. 5. 29. 09:18

부시시한 머리로 노트북을 켜고 습관적으로 한번씩은 들리는 자료실,클릭한 게시물의 보고 있다가 게시자가 삽입한 이 곡에 점점 더 귀 기울인다.

가볍고 신선한 아침공기와 잘 어울린다,심플하다.

Spotlight shining brightly
on my face
I can't see a thing
and yet i feel you looking my way

Empty stage
With nothing but this girl
Who's singing this simple melody
And wearing her heart on her sleeve

And right now
I have you
For a moment i can tell i've got you
Cause your lips don't move
And something is happening
Cause your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

Beauty emanates from every
word that you say
And captured the deepest thoughts
in the purest and simplest of ways
But you see
I'm not that graceful
Like you
Nor am i as eloquent
But just a simple melody
Can change the way that you see me

And right now
I have you
For a moment i can tell i've got you
Cause your lips don't move
And something is happening
Cause your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

And all my life i've stumbled
But up here i am just perfect
Perfect as i'll ever be

I have you
For a moment i can tell i've got you
Cause your lips don't move
And something is happening
Cause your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글

명상하는 날  (6) 2010.06.03
안타까움을 떠나 원통하다.  (0) 2010.06.03
복싱  (0) 2010.05.28
사실감.  (2) 2010.05.26
시간을 붙잡다.  (2) 2010.05.26
Posted by iamyhs