'2018/02/10'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2018.02.10 On Body and Soul

On Body and Soul

일상 2018. 2. 10. 14:53

참 오랜만에 차분한 영화를 한편 감상했다. 잔잔한 듯, 나른한 듯. 다시 한번 보고 싶다.

Forgive me, Hera, I cannot stay

He cut out my tongue

There is nothing to say

Love me, oh Lord

He threw me away

He laughed at my sins

In his arms I must stay

He wrote

I am broke

Please send for me

But I am broken too

And spoken for

Do not tempt me

Her skin is white

And I'm light as the sun

So holy light shines on the things you have done

So I asked him how he became this man

How did he learn to hold fruit in his hands?

And where is the lamb that gave you your name?

He had to leave though I begged him to stay

Left me alone when I needed the light

Fell to my knees and I wept for my life

If he had've stayed you might understand

If he had've stayed you never would have taken my hand

He wrote

Oh love, please send for me

But I am broken too

And spoken for

Do not tempt me

And where is the lamb that gave you your name?

He had to leave though I begged him to stay

Begged him to stay in my cold wooden grip

Begged him to stay by the light of this ship

Me fighting him, fighting like fighting dawn

And the waves came and stole him and took him to war

He wrote

I'm broke

Please send for me

But I'm broken too

And spoken for

Do not tempt me

Forgive me, here, I cannot stay

Cut out my tongue

There is nothing to save

Love me, oh Lord, he threw me away

He laughed at my sins

In his arms I must say

We write

That's alright

I miss his smell

We speak when spoken to

And that suits us well

That suits us well

That suits me well


가사가 미묘해서, 어떤 의미인지 검색해보았다. 그 중에 기억남는 코멘트 하나 더 가져온다.

8년 전 Jezabelleon 이란 분의 코멘트이다. 

I'm pretty sure it's "Forgive me Hera" not "here"

"Inspired by wartime love letters that Laura read in a newspaper, ‘What He Wrote’ seems to detail the forbidden love of writing to a man other than your husband — she appeals to the Greek goddess Hera, goddess of women and marriage, for forgiveness for speaking to this man when she’s “spoken for.” The whole song, just vocals and guitar, trembles in its waltz rhythm, but the most effecting line has to be the unqualified frankness of, “I miss his smell.”

This song is beautiful <3

- Jezabelleon March 26, 2010

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